Troubleshooting Calls

Troubleshooting Checklist

If you're running into issues, any of the following could be the reasons why. We've attempted to order these by frequency, with the most common issues at the top of each list.

Someone's screen is frozen

I'm in the call multiple times

I'm in the call alone

My video isn't working

the other caller can't see you

My mic isn't working

the other caller can't hear you

My sound isn't working

you can't hear the other caller

My video, audio, and sound aren't working

the other caller can't see or hear you and you can't hear see or hear them*

App-Specific and Other Resources

  • Jitsi: n/a

  • YouTube Live:

  • Hangouts



  • UberConference:

  • A good article on troubleshooting call quality:

Last updated