Set up your device

Set up Your Device for Video Calls

Prior to Your Call

Run through the following steps:

  1. Restart your laptop to make sure all your drivers and programs are running smoothly

  2. Shut down any apps or sites that may also use your camera or mic

  3. (If allowed) Make sure you find your headphones with a mic or headset you're going to use

  4. Make sure you can find the most updated location for the call. It's either a link or a phone number.

  5. Check your sound settings to make sure your mic is working (make sure it's on the right audio input, and that it's registering sound)

  6. Check your browser settings to make sure you've given the platform permission to use your camera and mic. For example, you should see as allowed.

    1. On Chrome, you can check these settings by pasting `chrome://settings/content` in your address bar and hitting Enter, and pressing the Camera and Microphone items.

    2. On Firefox, you can check these settings by pasting `about:preferences#privacy` in your address bar and hitting Enter, scrolling until you see *Permissions*, and pressing the Settings... button next to the Camera and Microphone permissions.

  7. For good measure, actually test your audio and video

    1. [Make sure your video is working](#testing-your-video)

    2. [Make sure your mic is working](#testing-your-mic)

Testing Your Video

Testing your video is easy.

  1. Before your call, click your video call link to enter the call.

  2. If you are asked to allow access to your camera, make sure you hit "Allow"

  3. Make sure your camera is on in the video call. The camera icon should not have a line through it.

  4. Can you see yourself? Congrats, it's working!

Testing Your Mic

Dialpad is a web-based audio-conferencing platform Sidekick sometimes uses for audio-only sessions. It also has a great Call Diagnostics tool.

To test your mic, visit and press "Begin Test."

Last updated